Return of the M.A.C.K.

September 5, 2022 ProgressionHR

When there’s a lot going on at work, it can be hard to get yourself in the right frame of mind to smash your to-do list. But we’ve got you covered – just remember M.A.C.K. to help get you back on track.


M: Make a routine

…and stick to it. Take small breaks to clear your headspace. And remember to close the laptop lid when your day finishes – keep work within work hours.

A: Ask for help

If you’re struggling, ask for help. As humans, we can be too proud to put our hand up and admit we can’t handle it all – but do it. It’s better for you and for the work.

C: Clear your workspace

A tidy desk = a tidy mind. So if it’s buried under a paper avalanche and empty mugs, you’ll find it hard to get in the zone. Keep it clear for it for some clarity.

K: Keep in touch

Wherever you are, keep in touch with your colleagues. It’s easy to silo yourself when you’re working hard. But it’s important to keep connected to those around you.

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