Monthly Archives

August 2018

What is Agile and what does it mean to you?


You may have noticed, for a while now a new buzzword is being bandied about the office: Agile!

Agile originally comes from software development, where continuous improvement and delivery is the holy grail. A product is never really completed, it just keeps evolving and improving. Just think: 2.0, then comes along 2.1, 2.2 and so on.

The Agile movement has spread from tech departments to become a natural process for companies like Apple, Spotify and Dropbox. But it has also been embraced by more traditional global companies such as Barclays Bank, John Deer and Saab.

Faster, Faster, Faster

The Agile approach is spreading fast, from software development into all areas within organisations. CEOs are talking about Agile as a new way to lead a business. And some business leaders say, it’s needed right now – as we enter a faster and faster age, in which methods built for slow growth won’t work anymore. So, what is Agile…? And what implications does it have for HR?

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