How to attract the best talent

May 27, 2022 ProgressionHR

Looking for amazing talent? Isn’t everyone. So what are the things that top talent are looking for? We’ve had a dig through the latest research and thought about what we’ve been hearing in interviews, and here are our top three – and what they mean for you.


It was the buzzword of 2021. Now it’s here to stay. But flexibility means more than ‘where you work’ it’s about giving people options for ‘how they work’ best.

Flexible working is less about time and more about trust. Up to 43% of employers now offer flex time to their employees and they’re loving it. Everyone has responsibilities outside of work, but they also like to work. So being able to flex their schedule means they can bring their most valuable thinking at a time that suits both sides.


Ever had the situation when someone works a month and hands in their notice. Usually because “It wasn’t what I thought it was going to be”. This is frustrating for both sides. So make sure you’re clear about opportunities and challenges, explain how you’ll support them through it so there’s no surprises. Candidates want an honest review of the role – the good and the bad.

Every potential employee is also looking for a place that treats people as equals. This is easy to say but harder to achieve – and people can read the woke-wash. So focus on what you’ve done and what you’re still doing to make it better. And remember most candidates do their homework, so don’t get caught out by a tweet from @PayGapApp.

Learning and growth

As the number of skills for jobs increases every year, it’s no surprise 38% of candidates are looking for a new job that offers learning and development. They want to get ahead and stay ahead. So what does the role offer that can help the candidate grow? One example was global consultancy PwC, who spent $3 billion on upskilling their employees to keep their tools sharp. Everyone that opted in were guaranteed a long term career with the firm. Win win.

So there you have it. Candidates are looking for freedom of flexibility, honesty and transparency and any opportunities to grow – and when you think about it, isn’t that what everyone wants in a job?

Anything to add? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

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