Get the LinkedIn lowdown

May 16, 2023 ProgressionHR


As we always say, your resume is your sales tool for finding a new position. So, make sure you treat your LinkedIn profile the same. Here are some simple tips on how you can use it to boost your career – borrowed from the experts.

Don’t just update it when you’re job hunting.

Instead, keep your profile updated with any new details or things you find interesting. It shows you’re passionate and helps build connections, which can come in handy when you’re on the hunt.

Use your LinkedIn profile as a tool for opportunity.

LinkedIn was designed for you to make connections. So use it to network, accept requests from people you genuinely want to connect with and then use it to reach out and meet them.

Be picky about your profile picture.

Make sure you pick a recent photo that actually looks like you (no filters, sorry). And in your photo, try and wear something that you’d wear to work. Oh, and smile.

Keep your summaries short.

For your job description and ‘about you’ summaries, keep these really tight – around a paragraph. This should highlight:

  • Skills you want to be known for
  • What matters most to you
  • What keeps you motivated.

Have fun with your headline.

Your LinkedIn headline is different to your job title, so feel free to add some personality here. As long as your role is clear in your experience list, choose what feels authentic to you.

Forget the buzzwords.

Overused terms like, ‘specialised’, ‘leadership’ and ‘focused’ topped the list for being overused on CVs and profiles, rendering them meaningless. Show your worth, don’t just say it.

Get someone you trust to audit your profile.

Writing about yourself can be hard. Ask someone who knows you well to feedback on your profile. What do they think it says about you? They might even highlight strengths or areas you haven’t thought of yet.

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