It’s easy for your mental battery to drain faster than normal during the wet winter weather. Add urgent deadlines, hoards of emails and office bugs into the mix and you’re flatter than ever.
So with the help of the experts*, we’ve rounded up five simple ways to help you step back, reset and recharge to get your battery back to full.
TIP 1: Connect
Connecting is something we do without realising. Like holding a door open for a stranger or cracking jokes with friends. We can’t help it – humans love to connect.
How it helps
Connections give us a sense of belonging and help us build support networks, in and outside of work. And it never hurts to have some fun whilst you’re doing it.
Easy ways to connect at work
Instead of messaging, talk about your project in person. Seeing someone’s body language helps us connect on a deeper level. So grab a coffee and talk it through.
TIP 2: Move
Since childhood we’ve been urged to get up and go outside to keep our physical health on track. But exercise can also boost our mental health and make us feel better.
How it helps
Exercise cause chemicals, known as endorphins, to release in your brain which help improve your mood. Plus, endorphins help relieve pain and lower stress. It’s a win-win.
Easy ways to move at work
Instead of having a meeting at the office, why not grab a workmate and head outdoors? A stroll in the fresh air always help you feel good – just don’t forget your umbrella.
TIP 3: Explore
Stopped to smell the roses lately? When we’re busy, it’s easy to switch to autopilot. But taking the time to stop and notice the small things can help with the big ones.
How it helps
Mindfulness is about shutting out noise to focus on something in the here and now. It can also help bring perspective and calm you down when you need it.
Easy ways to explore at work
Hit pause at the beginning of the day. Try spending the first 15 minutes arranging an achievable to-do list before starting. Don’t overdo it, think realistically, then smash it.
TIP 4: Give
You feel good when you do something for others – it’s human nature. And acts of generosity and kindness create positive feelings and give you a sense of reward.
How it helps
It’s not all about giving gifts or money. It’s about spending quality time or showing genuine appreciation. It gives you a sense of purpose and helps others feel good too.
Easy ways to give at work
If you have a spare ten minutes, why not do a team coffee run? Your workmates will appreciate it and you’ll get the caffeine boost you need for the after-lunch slump.
TIP 5: Grow
Learning new things makes us feel good. It’s because our brains are programmed to reward us for evolving. So don’t be scared to try something new, embrace it.
How it helps
It doesn’t have to be complicated, like a new language or learning a new instrument. The challenge and success of learning empowers us and expands our ways of thinking.
Easy ways to grow at work
There are always upskilling opportunities, especially in new HR technology. So do some research and try a new course. Then level up, learn something new and pass it on.
The best part about these simple tips is just that – they’re so simple. Sometimes you do them without even realising. So if you’re feeling low, take a look at how you Connect, Move, Explore, Give and Grow. Chances are, if you do a little more of one or the other, your battery will be fully charged in no time.
*research developed by NHS and Mental Health Foundation in NZ. If you ever need someone to talk to, please call or text 1737 to speak to a specialist.