Loyalty is something employees build over time through connecting with their team, leader and company. But since the shift to hybrid, the daily dinging of Teams messages and lack of real face time, it can be hard to keep a team feeling connected and sticking together.
As a leader, it’s up to you to steer the ship. And we reckon there’s four easy ways to keep your team onboard and looking forward to Monday mornings.
1. Old school connections
Since the world went hybrid, there’s been a cultural shift in the workplace. But what are people missing most? Survey says, real connections. Sure, remote working helps you focus. But these days, people want to feel part of a team.
We know that things like collaboration, career advancement and problem solving are easier done in person and help to build connections. And the latest research says, when employees feel connected to their team, leader and workplace they’re 3 times more likely to stay there long-term. You can’t argue with that.
TIP: Try some classic team bonding. It can be as simple as shouting breakfast on a Friday.
2. Have a little trust
Trust is the foundation to any relationship. And as a leader, it’s up to you to set the bar in your workplace. Remember: “fear leads to more fear and trust leads to more trust”. So what’s an example of a lack of trust from leadership?
Back in June, Elon Musk sent two company-wide emails demanding employees return to the office for 40 hours a week or leave Tesla. He’s sending the message that he doesn’t trust his employees. We’ll never know the reason why. But what we do know is, issuing ultimatums is a sure fire way to find yourself with a pile of resignations.
TIP: Show trust. It can be as simple as delegating to someone who deserves a shot.
3. Give praise where it’s due
Nothing motivates a team like a little reward and recognition. And the rewards don’t have to be big or the recognition loud. Simple things like a team lunch or coffee round for getting through a busy week always go down a treat.
And when it comes to recognition, just note that where some people thrive under public declarations others cringe. So however you show your employees they’re doing a job well done, think about it before sending an all office email or announcing it at the Monday meeting.
TIP: Personalise it. For shyer employees, it can be as simple as praising them one-on-one or sending an email.
4. Create room to grow
Even though five-year plans look a little different these days, employees are still looking for ways to climb the corporate ladder. So what’s key to keeping your team onboard? Learning and development.
Through L&D opportunities, you’re empowering your team with the skills they need to get ahead and stay ahead. And according to Forbes, 93% of employees said they would stay longer at a company that invests in them. Plus, upskilling leads to more productivity and more profit. It’s a win-win.
TIP: Ask the team their focus areas. It can be as simple as gathering answers and working through the list with them.
So there’s a few easy ways to help your employees look forward to Monday mornings. A great leader takes the time to connect with their people, show their appreciation and create learning opportunities. So go out there, live it and see the results for yourself.