Workplace Stress

July 30, 2021 ProgressionHR

Workplace Stress – How to reign it in

Issues surrounding mental wellbeing have become a lot more visible in recent years. No longer swept under the carpet, debates and protests are all happening in the public eye.

Even the Olympic Games has thrown up an example, with American superstar gymnast Simone Biles withdrawing due to mental struggles.

The effect of stress in the workplace has also gained awareness. And make no mistake. The impact is real. Studies show that workplace stress can lead to headaches, increased blood pressure, insomnia, anxiety and depression.

We look at ways to reduce and manage stress. We hope they come in useful.

Find the stress. Solve the stress.

Deadlines. KPIs. Workload. New manager. New role. New responsibilities. There are plenty of situations that can trigger stress in the workplace! The trick is being aware of the triggers that you’re sensitive to. To help identify what’s causing an issue – start by asking a few simple questions:

  • Where were you?
  • Who was involved?
  • What was your reaction?
  • How did you feel?

Keep in mind that some triggers may be sudden. For example, a company deciding to restructure may prompt feelings of job insecurity. While other triggers may build over time – such as the ongoing stress of bumper-to-bumper commutes.

Once triggers are found, the next step is finding a workable solution. For instance, working from home two days a week may reduce the anxiety of the dreaded daily drive. Or talking through future options with management, may give you peace of mind that your job is safe.

4 Proven Stress Busters.

1. Share your concerns.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’. When it comes to workplace stress, the simple act of talking to others can be a big help. Start with your co-workers. (Chances are they’re feeling the same way). Also talk to friends and family who can give you the support you need.

2. Stay fit and healthy.

It’s proven that regular exercise can lift your mood/mental wellbeing. So, if you’re stressed at work – try and stay active. Aim for 30 minutes a day. (It doesn’t have to be extreme exercise. Even a walk will do wonders). Eating healthy makes a big difference too. Again. keep it simple – start by reducing sugar, alcohol, caffeine and fatty foods.

3. Get a good night sleep

We all know how great we a feel after a good night’s sleep! It’s backed by modern research that says quality sleep is one of the most important factors for a person’s health and well-being. Quick tips –  An hour before bedtime, turn off screens. Turn the lights down and unwind with a book or soothing music.

4. Manage your time.

If you’re unorganised, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Putting together a schedule that includes work and play will help. (Don’t forget to add in your exercise). Starting the day in a fluster is also a no-no! Try getting up 20 minutes earlier, so you’re not rushing around. Prioritising tasks is also helpful. And try breaking down big projects into bite-sized chunks.

3 Apps to help you keep calm and carry on!


This online app uses evidence-based techniques to teach people how to deal with stress. 86% of users report being happier in two months.


Good music always helps! Which is where the Focus@Will app comes in, by offering scientifically designed music that improves focus and reduces distractions.

Sleep Better with Runtastic

Good sleep is key. Sleep Better with Runtastic helps users understand their sleep patterns. From daytime activities that affect rest to setting good pre-bed habits, the app provides practical data to get better sleep.

If all else fails, take a step back.

Work is an important part of life. But sometimes we need to put things into perspective. There are numerous tips and techniques for dealing with stressful situations. But is workplace stress worth risking our health, mental wellbeing and personal relationships for? In most cases, probably not. Always remember what is really important.

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