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The unique candidate


We recently went to a seminar and the presenter talked about how securing the “unique candidate” can give an organisation the edge they need to win in business.

That led us to thinking about what really is unique talent in the HR context?  We often hear people describing how hard it is to find the right talent.  But we wonder whether this is actually about someone having a unique skill set or whether it is really about us looking at people in a unique way rather than through a traditional view. Are we doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result?

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Nine months old


ProgressionHR is now nine months old!

We’ve loved being back and working with the fantastically varied range of candidates and clients in our network.  Reconnecting with people we’ve known for years and meeting so many new human resources professionals has made for an extremely rewarding first few months in business.

We are really keen to keep in contact and also share some of the things we have been experiencing in the HR market in NZ.  So we are starting a ProgressionHR blog!

Our first blog is coming later in the week… on the topic of the unique candidate.

To make sure you are the first to hear of our new blog posts, follow our company page on LinkedIn.  We look forward to hearing your comments and thoughts.